If we consider the world we live in there is no surprise that we experience pains and aches in our mind and body. Apart from the painkillers, medications and conventional medicine, people often practice yoga, acupuncture, and meditation. They are all helpful methods, however, there is another approach that numerous people have not heard of.Mudra’s hand gestures is the method that originates from India and it stimulates different parts of the mind and body and reduces pains and aches. It has 8 hand gestures that are strong if they are used frequently.
Here are the hand gestures:
This gesture relieves the pain in the joints, cramps, and arthritis. It is thought to increase the water element.
It decreases the water element and it is excellent for those who experience a runny nose, watery eyes and excessive sweating.
You can do this everywhere you want and you should definitely try it out since you will gain very much.
Source: healinglifeisnatural.com