The lumbar pain is very intense and constant and leads to numbness and a burning sensation in the legs, which impedes the movements.
It is felt at the lower leg, right below your knee, in the calves / and or in the foot. The pain is even higher throughout the night or after an extended time of sitting, standing, in the case of stress, sneezing, or a cough.
The sciatica pain is usually treated with medications, however, these painkillers often lead to adverse effects and are a risk for our overall health.
However, on the other hand, you can instantly ease this pain with the help of stretching exercises. They soothe the inflammation and thus relieve the pain. You need to do these stretches slowly.
You need to start in a lying position on a flat surface. Then, bend the painful leg, pull it towards the shoulder, and hold for half a minute. Next, straighten the legs, make a short break, and repeat the same method twice.
These following exercises will release the pinched nerve in the lumbar area (sciatica):
Start in a horizontal position, bend the knees and then slowly pull them toward your chests, however, make sure your body remains flat on the floor. Then, cross the legs, pull the healthy leg with the hand, and remain in this position for half a minute. Next, release, and repeat twice.
These stretching exercises will boost blood circulation, relieve pain, and speed up the recovery.